New FDA Approved Treatment for Polycythemia Vera
New FDA Approved Treatment for Polycythemia Vera Patients are Asking – MPN ExpertDr. Abu-Zeinah discussesRopeginterferon, FDA ApprovedTreatment for Polycythemia Vera Episode 3 of 3 Ropeginterferon / BESREMi was recently approved by the FDA to treat Polycythemia Vera. Patients are asking: Should I switch from Pegasys to the new FDA approved Ropeginterferon? How might Ropeginterferon change […]

The Health Benefits of Social Connections for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients
by Lou Ann Donovan We all enjoy getting together with friends and attending family gatherings from time to time. Such occasions give us an opportunity to catch up, share ideas, and even lend support to each other. Social connections like these also influence our health and longevity the same as our diet, sleep, and exercise. […]

Reducing MPN Related Stress with Mindfulness and Healthy Lifestyle
by Lou Ann Donovan Stress and the Body Stress is a natural physical and mental response to life experiences. Some stress is even good and can trigger a fight or flight response to help you handle emergencies. However, even the stressful events are not what causes the harm. It is our reaction to the challenges […]

MPN Clinical Trials & Drugs 2021 News
Patients are Asking – MPN Expert Dr. Andrew Kuykendall Episode 2 of 3 Update on MPN Clinical Trials and new drugs in development for 2021 and beyond. The PDUFA date is the end of the review period, where the FDA has to make a decision or respond to a New Drug Application (NDA) or a […]

Patients are Asking
Episode 1 of 3 in Patients are Asking Series Episode 1 of 3 What symptoms should I look for to see if I might be progressing from polycythemia vera to myelofibrosis? When would you typically recommend Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and what are the benefits? Why does bone & joint pain occur and what are some […]

Bone Marrow Soluble Mediator Signatures of Patients with MPNs
Abstract: Background: Essential thrombocythemia (ET), polycythemia vera (PV), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) are clonal hematological diseases classified as Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). MPN pathogenesis is associated with the presence of somatic driver mutations, bone marrow (BM) niche alterations, and tumor inflammatory status. The relevance of soluble mediators in the pathogenesis of MPN led us […]

Contemporary Approach CALR Positive MPNs
Abstract CALR mutations are a revolutionary discovery and represent an important hallmark of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), especially essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis. To date, several CALR mutations were identified, with only frameshift mutations linked to the diseased phenotype. It is of diagnostic and prognostic importance to properly define the type of CALR mutation and subclassify it according to […]

9 Tips to Reduce MPN Fatigue
by Lou Ann Donovan When you are living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), fatigue is the most frequent symptom discussed among fellow patients. One minute you are feeling great then suddenly you feel so tired that you need to take a nap. Dealing with constant fatigue can affect your ability to complete daily tasks such […]

Common Clinical Trial Acronyms and Abbreviations
by Lou Ann Donovan Are you searching for an MPN clinical trial and wondering what all these acronyms and abbreviations listed in the trial study details mean? Well, you are probably familiar with the acronym FDA which is for the Food and Drug Administration. Or maybe you have seen the term QC for Quality Check. […]
Understanding the Phases of Clinical Trials
What are Clinical Trials? by Lou Ann Donovan Clinical trials also called interventional clinical studies involve research using participants. Through clinical trials, doctors find new ways to improve treatments and quality of life for people diagnosed with a type of blood cancer Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs). The participants receive specific interventions, such as drugs according to […]
4th Angel providing one-on-one support services for MPN Patients
MPN Cancer Connection and PV Reporter are partnering with the Cleveland Clinic 4th Angel Mentoring Program to better serve the needs of our growing community seeking personal support with trained mentors. We are excited to announce this program as we continue to provide “easy access” to an expanding network of organizations serving the MPN Cancer […]
Serving the MPN cancer community with support services
As a small organization with limited resources, our goal is providing “easy access” to a growing network of organizations that provide services to our community. Patients and caregivers are asking for more personal support with experienced mentors. There’s nothing like talking with a fellow patient (or caregiver) who has walked in your shoes and understands […]