Our Impact
Looking to the future, we are laser focused on adding new resources and educational programming to enhance MPN Cancer Connection to best serve the needs of our growing community. Since 2015, MPN Cancer Connection has provided tools to help educate and empower fellow myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) patients to be their own patient advocate.
Here’s what they have to say:

“I’m that scared girl who emailed you through PV Reporter about four years ago. You saved my life, I was ready to give up as no one would listen to me about how sick I was and how much pain I was in. You called me and spoke with me for almost three hours helping me understand I wasn’t crazy and pointed me in the direction of Dr. Mesa and all the support groups available. Finally after all these years we’ve found a combination of Pegasus and phlebotomy and I’m a whole new person. Thank you for all the work you do to help support us patients. I finally have a brighter future and had I not found you that would not be possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart David.”
– Aimee Rapp
“I just wanted to thank you so much for that video. I am not on any social media so I feel a little isolated with my PV sometimes. Your page is always amazing but speaking about the fatigue really got to me. Thank you for expressing what we all feel and for all of your work on behalf of our community!”
– Miriam Masia
“I am so grateful for David’s help and guidance on my PV journey. He has shared his time, his story and even helped me find the most amazing hematologist, Dr Grunwald who specializes in PV. I would most likely still be searching for proper PV treatment without David’s help. Thankfully, I am now receiving the best PV treatment and management I’ve ever known. David goes above and beyond to help so many find help and understanding. He is a true blessing!”
– Katina G.
“I am a JAK 2 negative PV patient who has survived on frequent phlebotomies since 2005. I started hydroxyurea last year. I have only just now discovered your website. What a wonderful contribution you are making to our MPN world. I hope to find here an improved way to keep up and derive some knowledge and encouragement. This is an exhausting battle, isn’t it? And a lonely one.”
– Martha Pollard
” I had never even heard of PV until I was diagnosed six years ago. And only just recently found it is a form of blood cancer.
I had been treated with phlebotomies only and a baby aspirin daily. This was to normalize my red blood cell count. I realize that very little is actually known about PV. I am so grateful that my daughter in her research discovered Dave’s website.
I have learned quite a bit about what is going on with my body. And some suggestions of how to care for the symptoms have been very helpful. Two thumbs up for David and his wonderful work at informing patients of this challenging illness.”
– Barbara L Glover
“Thanks so much for all your work to organize such a great repository of information for MPN patients like myself. You are performing a very valuable service and I want to commend you on it. Keep up the good work, David.”
– John Clark
“Thank you so much for the work you do with MPN news. It is an important source of MPN education for me. My daughter is 22, diagnosed at age 21 with ET. The M PN research news you compile is a wealth of info and hope for us.”
– Stacey Farris