Dr. Srdan Verstovsek
Department of Leukemia, Division of Cancer Medicine
Dr. Verstovsek is the United Energy Resources, Inc., Professor of Medicine and hematologist-oncologist at MD Anderson. Dr. Verstovsek is a global leader in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and the Founder/Director of the largest MPN Clinical Research Center worldwide. Dr. Verstovsek has achieved international acclaim for his leadership in developing landmark MPN therapeutics.
He led more than 60 early/advanced phase clinical trials of novel MPN drugs, including ruxolitinib, the only FDA-approved medication for myelofibrosis (MF) until 2019, and second-line treatment for polycythemia vera. He is leading several pivotal phase 3 trials for promising MPN medications.
He has published 24 book chapters, and more than 600 peer-reviewed original articles/reviews in leading medical journals, such as New England Journal of Medicine, Blood, Leukemia, and Lancet. Dr. Verstovsek is lead and senior author of over 80 and 200 articles, respectively (h-index 91).
He received several awards, including the Distinguished Clinical Faculty Mentoring Award (2021), the Waun Ki Hong Faculty Award for Excellence in Team Science (2021), the Otis & Pearl Walters Faculty Achievement Award in Clinical Research (2017), the Seventh Annual Irwin H. Krakoff Award for Excellence in Clinical Research (2013), and the Celgene Young Investigator Award (2010).
He was elected member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation in 2015. His contributions have been globally recognized with numerous invitations as expert speaker/educator/Chair at the most significant national/international conferences.
He regularly engages at multiple levels with MPN patients’ advocacy groups/societies. He is Co-Founder/Executive Committee Member of the International Working Group for MF Treatment and Research.