Study Identifies Factors Associated With Hearing Loss in Polycythemia Vera
“Researchers found that the mean hemoglobin and hematocrit levels of the polycythemia vera group were 16.7 g/dL and 50.4%, respectively, vs 13.4 g/dL and 40.3% in control arm. These differences were not statistically significant.”
…these differences look very statistically significant to me! (comment added by MPN-CC)
“Results showed that patients with polycythemia vera had a significantly higher incidence of cochlear impairment compared with controls (P =.004).”
“However, patients with polycythemia vera had significantly higher platelet counts compared with controls (P <.001). Further, nearly three-fourths of those with the myeloproliferative disorder and cochlear involvement had a platelet count greater than 394,000/mm3 (P =.005), suggesting a significant association between platelet count and hearing impairment in this population.”